Tax people according to their friends

If we want to encourage a more inclusive, fair society we have to break the dominance of the "I know more people than you" social meme.

The way we do that is simple. We should tax people based on how many Facebook friends they have.

Yes, as WELL as other taxes. Not in spite of. Quite simply this policy would reward people who are social outcasts. And that's fair. The whole point of society is to equalise the playing field.

  • What if you’re not Facebook? 

    I have only 1 or 2 friends but on Twitter I have 2000 

    when I was on evil Facebook for one year I had 1000 friends. They were all fake - not friends at all. Facebook ‘friends’ are a fraud anyway. 

    Its actually fraudulent how they harvest and sell friends but bevasue the WWW is a lawless place - free for all - Mark Z is allowed to keep on con people. 

  • Facebook? Twitter? -you will never catch me on any of those, I only have a handful of acquaintances who I can talk to and possibly just one genuine "friend" but these are flesh and blood people and are of infinitely more value to me as such than the artificial, self-herding cattle of social media.

    Having been "always on the outside of whatever side there was" (Thank You Bob Dylan) at least I feel as if I am on firm ground with what little I have got, I would feel queasy about regarding anybody who only has to click a mouse to proclaim their friendliness to me-who do they think I really am and who do they expect me to believe that they are?-It is all so vacuous, superficial and false it makes me cringe just thinking about it-yeurch!

  • Facebook? Twitter? -you will never catch me on any of those, I only have a handful of acquaintances who I can talk to and possibly just one genuine "friend" but these are flesh and blood people and are of infinitely more value to me as such than the artificial, self-herding cattle of social media.

    Having been "always on the outside of whatever side there was" (Thank You Bob Dylan) at least I feel as if I am on firm ground with what little I have got, I would feel queasy about regarding anybody who only has to click a mouse to proclaim their friendliness to me-who do they think I really am and who do they expect me to believe that they are?-It is all so vacuous, superficial and false it makes me cringe just thinking about it-yeurch!

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