Going around in circles

I have just accepted a new job. This will be my 7th new job in 5 years. I start out all energetic and raring to go, but in a few months I get bogged down, frustrated, tired, distraught. Then I think the only way to solve it is to start again. How to I break this circle? How do you stay in the same job over a long time? I realise that I'm making my own problems really because the act of starting a new job is so stressful in itself but I really want to make this new job work. I don't think I can cope if it all goes wrong again. 

  • I was in the same job for 40 years, which was a very big problem when it came to an end as I am not coping at all well with retirement despite a good income and lovely family - who I feel guilty now for not doing more with during my working years

  • I was in the same job for 40 years, which was a very big problem when it came to an end as I am not coping at all well with retirement despite a good income and lovely family - who I feel guilty now for not doing more with during my working years

  • That must be really difficult. People that I've worked with who retired did so gradually, so going down to 4 days, then 3, before leaving completely. It must be a really difficult transition. There's one person in particular who retired but still came to our monthly team lunch and I always enjoyed that. Its difficult to live with guilt but I'm sure your family appreciate everything you've done and are doing to support them :) I do my best to live in the present rather than re-thinking past decisions or worrying about the future. A lot easier said than done (!) But I believe it does reduce guilt/worry by living in the moment.