Going around in circles

I have just accepted a new job. This will be my 7th new job in 5 years. I start out all energetic and raring to go, but in a few months I get bogged down, frustrated, tired, distraught. Then I think the only way to solve it is to start again. How to I break this circle? How do you stay in the same job over a long time? I realise that I'm making my own problems really because the act of starting a new job is so stressful in itself but I really want to make this new job work. I don't think I can cope if it all goes wrong again. 

  • Hi, Technically I'm on my 6th job in 33 years of working, but if you include when I was a student it's my 9th. I've found the human or colleague part of all my jobs incredibly difficult all my life but I find if I've really enjoyed the job I have found ways around this. For example my first and second jobs were with horses and I cared so much about what I was doing I didn't let anything or anybody get in the way of my passion. Its a bit more difficult now as my job has a much more human influence and I am now finding this difficult, but I still believe if you like a job enough you will find a way to succeed.

  • I've had a lot of time to think the last few months and my ideal job would be working as a gardener. I'm going to work towards this, first by finishing my own garden. I love the outdoors, which I why I work in engineering. But most of my time is spend doing paperwork or managing people. I suppose gardening would be my long term goal. 

  • Go for it! Mine would be dog walking but I think that's something I'd take up when I'm nearer to retirement age.

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