Female with autism feels masculine rather than feminine

I am a female with autism. Something that I have felt most of my life is that I feel more masculine than feminine in my inner self however outwardly I definitely look feminine such as makeup and I do my hair etc but inwardly I feel and see myself as more of a male. Has anyone experienced this? 

  • Yep, have alter ego I refer to as Mr. Herbary. Always felt masculine inside and drawn to what would traditionally called manly pursuits, like fixing things, building, getting dirty...could out dig and chop trees quicker than most blokes I worked with and figure out  engineering problems or solutions when they scratched their heads. I do women stuff too, but defo more blokey or should I say androgynous?

  • Yep, have alter ego I refer to as Mr. Herbary. Always felt masculine inside and drawn to what would traditionally called manly pursuits, like fixing things, building, getting dirty...could out dig and chop trees quicker than most blokes I worked with and figure out  engineering problems or solutions when they scratched their heads. I do women stuff too, but defo more blokey or should I say androgynous?

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