Street lights and other lighting

Does anyine else have a strange relationship with street lights as I do?

Im all for energy saving to help with climate change but im really struggling with these new bright white (LED?) lights.

A lot of the street lights round here are being retro-fitted with the new white light. I much prefer the warm tones of the old style orange or peach ones. Is it just that i like things just-so snd unchanged? The old orange ones rrmind me of being a child. To me, the white light is like the visual equivalent of the sound of a bad chord on an untuned piano. Does that make sense to anyone? It makes me feel uncomfortabke and a bit uneasy.

Since New year, there have been 4 neighbours who have had  white security lights installed outside their homes.The house at the back has lights which shine into our back bedroom. Its not majorly bright but its the colour of the light i dont like. The lights they had before shone in a bit but were a warmer light and it didnt feel invasive.

When we lived in a second floor flat, some new car park lighrs were installed which shone directly into our living room. There was only me who seemed bothered by it (not partner or other neighbours) and i got the council to re-angle the light.

These white lights make me feel uncomfortable. In places like supermarket car parks where they are really bright, the birds are singing at 10pm at night because the lighrs mimic daylight. It fills me with despair. This is messing with our body clock as well as nature.

My partner said he has never heard anyone go on about lighting as much as me. Is it just me?!

  • So I'm adding to this thread again.

    Another neighbour has had a security light put up.  The cold white colour ones. The house is at 90degrees to ours, it doesn't directly shine in to the house but it bounces off the side of the windows and back door. If I go out its incredibly bright. I woke up last night and was confused because I thought it was coming light outside and nearly time to get up.

    It's intrusive. I'm sure most people think they're being neighbourly by not having parties or playing loud music late,  but they don't think of other ways they can disturb.

    When I see the light, it makes me feel really angry or anxious or want to cry. Again, it's lack of control and just having to "put up" with stuff. I'm sick of it. I was finally diagnosed a few months ago and feel ive got more permission from mysrlf to sort things out which are difficult for me, but I don't want to go round and say anything cos its petty and comes across as moaning.

  • A non-confrontational solution to the sleep disturbance is a black out blind/curtain lining in your own house. 

    I really don't like cold white LED lights either and don't know why people put them in their houses. They are so clinical to me.

  • i agree,  they're awful  there are warmer versions available but they are quite rare. ASDA had some but they went so quick !

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