Advice needed on draft diagnostic report

Hi everyone,

I finally received my draft diagnostic report last night. I had intended to share part of it with my employer, but having read it I do not feel comfortable about this. There is relatively little in the report relating to employment and it is so deficit focused that I am concerned about the impact it would have. 

I've been given an opportunity to correct inaccuracies before the report is finalised and I'm considering whether to ask for more significant amendments: 

  • Greater specificity about the assessment process and diagnosis (DSM or ICD? diagnostic code?)
  • What ASD is, how women may present differently, and the impact of very late diagnosis 
  • Information on autism at work - including particular challenges discussed in assessment  
  • Austistic strengths at work - in general and with reference to my skills and career history 
  • Employment recommendations (only one in the report but I was emailed more previously)  

I would be happy to draft the additional material myself and ask for it to be added to the report. Perhaps this would be seen as inappropriate though? 

Just wondering how you felt when you received your diagnostic report - were autistic strengths highlighted as well as deficits? If you were working did you share all or part of the report with your employer? 

I've been waiting a very long time to receive the diagnostic report so I was a bit surprised by its brevity and lack of specificity. I have not seen any other reports so maybe mine is typical. It is a rough draft (typos, missing words) which Is difficult for me too. I would be upset if the final version included mistakes but if I correct the grammar and spelling I might cause offence. 

I would appreciate any advice anyone can offer. I expected to have some negative feelings about my report given the assessment process is based on the medical model. However, I thought it would contain more information relating to employment as this was the main problem when I referred myself - we also spent much of my assessment discussing it. 

Thank you! 

  • I wouldn't think sharing the diagnostic report with employers would be a good idea at all as it probably paints an inaccurate picture of the overall situation.  Of course for the purpose of the report that's its focus.

    Our diagnostic centre gave us a two-sides of A4 letter intended for employers and other places where disclosure might be necessary.  I think it just confirms the diagnosis, and has a bit of generic blurb about autism.

  • Thank you for this. Occupational Health wanted what is in the report to inform my next meeting with them I can be selective though and draft a summary of key points.

    One of my managers is very hostile about my diagnosis and existing disabilities. I think this is why I feel anything I put forward needs to be endorsed by the psychologist. 

    A better way of approaching this may be via an Access to Woek assessment which I applied for today. I have 5 contracts, 3 managers and I work in multiple locations. I'm sure having a job coach would be useful though, and this person could probably  help me manage all of my roles. 

  • If they agree to an acceptable level of confidentiality, then sharing it with occ. health might be useful for you, because the better and more complete the information they have, the better they can advise.  The occ. health people my current firm uses always used to send me a copy of their report that I could comment on before they sent it to work.  As it happened, it was always a very fair and balanced report so I was always happy for it to go as was.  It was nice though to have the opportunity to influence it if necessary.

    (Also, I only ever saw a Doctor there so I assume it would be covered under patient/doctor confidentiality.)

  • If they agree to an acceptable level of confidentiality, then sharing it with occ. health might be useful for you, because the better and more complete the information they have, the better they can advise.  The occ. health people my current firm uses always used to send me a copy of their report that I could comment on before they sent it to work.  As it happened, it was always a very fair and balanced report so I was always happy for it to go as was.  It was nice though to have the opportunity to influence it if necessary.

    (Also, I only ever saw a Doctor there so I assume it would be covered under patient/doctor confidentiality.)

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