Social Skills - What do you think?

Can you truly learn social skills? This is something I've been wondering about since getting diagnosed. 

My social skills aren't brilliant. I don't do well working in groups and I find social occasions difficult a lot of the time. I must have them to some degree as I manage at work (there have been issues but not regularly) and I do have a small group of friends who although not close, have not completely disowned me yet.

One thing my assessor said was that I don't really do 2 way conversation. He then added you probably know the rules but it is not something that comes naturally to you. So does this mean I can do it but I choose not to? Or I know how to do it but simply can't put it into practice?

I know there are people that have said they have used self help books with success but what I wonder is using these like acting/masking. You can put on a front and manage a successful social interaction or can you truly learn how to socialise better and it become an innate behaviour.

Apart from it causing me anxiety, my general issues with social interaction tend to be:

  • I either interrupt conversation and annoy people or can't find a way of entering the conversation (I also get very impatient if I have something to say and can't straight away)
  • I misinterpret jokes and give a straight answer or overreact or I attempt to joke and am misinterpreted
  • I find it very frustrating if others keep making small talk throughout an activity, like continually stopping in the middle of a game or talking over a film
  • I get bored very easily and so can struggle with typical adult social time e.g. just sitting round talking and tend to start annoying people
  • I will talk at length about something I want to talk about even if the other people aren't interested, I find it really difficult to stop even if I am aware the other person is getting fed up

Sorry for this being a long waffly post but it's been on my mind for a while. What I'm wondering is, do I just need to accept this is how I am? Or can I actually learn to manage better?

  • One thing my assessor said was that I don't really do 2 way conversation. He then added you probably know the rules but it is not something that comes naturally to you.

    You seem better than me.  My reaction would be, what rules?

  • Well I really wish I'd asked that at the time but my mind was reeling. I'm guessing the fact that you are supposed to take turns to keep the conversation going. He was talking about the fact that say someone asks me a question. I will answer it. But I don't ask them back. 

  • I did exaggerate I bit.  I know some of the rules.  When someone wants to talk about something, they drop hints and wait for you to ask them about the subject.

    Other rules are, maintain eye contact, or at least look at the person you're speaking to, smile , nod, end conversation with a polite ending, don't just walk off abruptly without a word.

    Unfortunately in my family I was never taught these social niceties.

  • Don’t you think it would be significantly more pleasant, for all of you, if you told the truth? 

    For example, upon meeting somebody new (or anybody really, that you haven’t told), who is going to be sharing the van with you, why wouldn’t you say something along the lines of .......

    hey, my name is ......., it’s good to meet you. Before we go any further, there’s something I need to tell you. I’m autistic and one of the areas of my life that is affected by autism is communication. One of the things I really hate is small talk and general chit chat, the type of conversations that most people love and enjoy. I do however, love talking about my special interests, which include ........ and I also love hearing people talk about what they’re passionate about or interested in (if this is true, it’s true for me). I also love silence and I’m aware that some people don’t and that in fact silence makes some people uncomfortable, so if you’re one of those people, I’d be really grateful if you could let me know so we can work something out that suits us both. For example, I don’t listen to the radio or modern music but I do love listening to audio books and meditation/devotional type music. And so on and so forth.

    You’d be surprised how quickly people will come to love you for who you are and if you’ve got loads of interests like me, you will soon become the go to guy when they want to know something about something unusual etc. You might even find you share interests with some of them and as a result you enjoy some great conversations. People don’t know who you are so they could never like you, grow closer to you or really get on with you at all in any real sense, because they barely know anything about you. 

    I have to say though, I couldn’t do that job if I had to be travelling with other people so often. I can be in a car with somebody sometimes but I couldn’t do it on a regular basis. It’s just not something I could do and if my life depended on it, I’d simply have to die because I couldn’t bare being in such a confined space for so long and so often with other humans. 

    People often like the odd one out, when they get to know us, when we give them a chance to know us. 

    Where are you experiencing pain in the back, is it too, middle or bottom? 

  • Not much choice, ignoring them puts me in a position of they shun me, we work as a group. Manual work, one van often two at times three crammed in, long trips out, lunch breaks in a van, every day nearly different sites, different area, also team work is a need, take turns and support the other with work load, not an admin job, pure physical stuff , 

    Thank you for reading my daily work and life story, it can be good but often worse, depends entirely on who I am with any given day, right now, my labourer has a knackered knee, means well but as he isn’t as able bodied I have to do more, it works both ways, sadly I am suffering with a chronic back issue, so more and more unable to fulfill my duties, 

    thsnk hou. X()x

  • I worked in a department that was closing - I didn't want redundance at that time so I moved to a different department - which was open plan and entirely male except for the 2 admin girls.

    I've never been anywhere like it - it was all politics and incompetence and backside covering.

    I'm interested in watching animals and this place was exactly like a chimp enclosure. I watched the alphas fighting, the old silverbacks hoarding territory over each other, the followers, the assassins, the nasty pieces of work etc.etc.

    They also used to make group calls (lines from movies) and it was incredible that these were functioning humans.

    I studied the newcomers - they were initially 'different' but within 6 months, they had learned & copied all the behaviours to fit in. It was fascintating to watch.

    Unfortunately, I didn't fit in. My quiet, reserved competence was out of place. I could sense them feeling uneasy around me as time went on - like they were forced to behave properly without all the macho swearing.

    It was like the crew of the Nostromo realising that Ash was different from them. As time went on, because I hadn't become one of the chimps, the divide was uncomfortable.

    Luckily, the manager hated me (because I was moved sideways into his department, my salary was significantly higher than his and he didn't have the skills to manage anything - and my competence made him look really dumb) so he made a sloppy move to get rid of me - that cost them.

  • I worked in a department that was closing - I didn't want redundance at that time so I moved to a different department - which was open plan and entirely male except for the 2 admin girls.

    I've never been anywhere like it - it was all politics and incompetence and backside covering.

    I'm interested in watching animals and this place was exactly like a chimp enclosure. I watched the alphas fighting, the old silverbacks hoarding territory over each other, the followers, the assassins, the nasty pieces of work etc.etc.

    They also used to make group calls (lines from movies) and it was incredible that these were functioning humans.

    I studied the newcomers - they were initially 'different' but within 6 months, they had learned & copied all the behaviours to fit in. It was fascintating to watch.

    Unfortunately, I didn't fit in. My quiet, reserved competence was out of place. I could sense them feeling uneasy around me as time went on - like they were forced to behave properly without all the macho swearing.

    It was like the crew of the Nostromo realising that Ash was different from them. As time went on, because I hadn't become one of the chimps, the divide was uncomfortable.

    Luckily, the manager hated me (because I was moved sideways into his department, my salary was significantly higher than his and he didn't have the skills to manage anything - and my competence made him look really dumb) so he made a sloppy move to get rid of me - that cost them.

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