When do autistic traits become autism


have been told that I have a number of autistic traits, but have also been told that they don't necessarily make me autistic.

So when do my autistic traits make me autistic or are at least enough for me to seek help or an assesment.



  • I would take a guess that it is when the traits are in all areas needed for the autism spectrum. In my assessment they looked at 4 areas - social interaction, social communication, sensory and rigid/inflexible thought. For a diagnosis I had to have difficulties in each of these areas. I think it might also depend on how much impact the traits have on you.

    The online aq test can be a good indicator as to whether to seek an assessment.

  • Thanks for getting back to me.

    I've done the aq test a few times and scored between 38 and 40 out of 50.  I think that's quite high if I'm not mistaken.

  • Yes. I'm pretty certain that is very similar to what I scored when I took it before my diagnosis. I wrote down all the reasons I thought I might be autistic before I decided I wanted to be diagnosed. I was slightly shocked with how long the list ended up being if I'm honest.

  • Yes. I'm pretty certain that is very similar to what I scored when I took it before my diagnosis. I wrote down all the reasons I thought I might be autistic before I decided I wanted to be diagnosed. I was slightly shocked with how long the list ended up being if I'm honest.

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