Do people look at you as though they know you're odd

I notice it when I go shopping with my stepdaughter or granddaughter. That look that says "WTF have we got here then?" I sense I give off certain vibes.

  • Yes! It happened again only yesterday. I was walking along with Izzy my dog eating an apple I had picked off our tree. An elderly neighbour approached so I smiled and said hello. She glanced at me briefly with a strange expression then looked down and away. I didn't hear a reply.

    I was wearing a hat at a jaunty angle so I wondered if it was that. Had I got toothpaste on my face or something? Did she disapprove of me eating an apple while walking along the street? When I was young I always dressed eccentrically so if anyone looked at me strangely I could assume it was because of my clothing. I may start doing that again! 

  • love it!  I love people that have their own sense of style. At least you have pleasant manners to hello to someone and others will appreciate that even if that lady didn't. 

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