Do people look at you as though they know you're odd

I notice it when I go shopping with my stepdaughter or granddaughter. That look that says "WTF have we got here then?" I sense I give off certain vibes.

  • *sighs* yes Disappointed People give me curious and sometimes horrible looks, like I have the plague or something! I'll either get weird looks and then people will leave me alone or it's weird looks and then they start whispering, laugh or smirk. It can be anywhere as well, in shops or town and even outside my home. Not only is it rude but it also puts a real downer on me, it's hard enough being a self conscious girl so you don't need people making you feel even worse.

  • *sighs* yes Disappointed People give me curious and sometimes horrible looks, like I have the plague or something! I'll either get weird looks and then people will leave me alone or it's weird looks and then they start whispering, laugh or smirk. It can be anywhere as well, in shops or town and even outside my home. Not only is it rude but it also puts a real downer on me, it's hard enough being a self conscious girl so you don't need people making you feel even worse.

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