Why is socialising so hard?

Gt granddaughter is 1 today. She's having a party tomorrow. I'm going but am dreading it. The whole socialising thing outside of immediate family/stepfamily is so damn hard . Initiating conversations a no no, body posture - am I looking gone out/like a freak? , sitting their in awkward silence while the conversation flows around me .

  • I find initiating conversation hard. Especially in a room of lots of people. I need someone to hook me in on something I'm interested in - then I feel more comfortable and can chat away. The thing I don't get is I know some basic rules like if someone asks you a question you should answer and ask them in return. But for some reason I find it really difficult to ask them back.

    At a kids party, I would probably ignore the adults and play with the kids.

  • I would end up ignoring all the people and playing with the cat.

  • Last time I attended a wedding, I ended up hanging on some kind of children's play castle with a 7 year old whose language I didn't speak. We also did the see-saw and the swing. It says it all really.

    My parents would have gone: 'please, can't you behave?'

    I was 38 at the time and wearing a summer dress that was knee-length...

  • Ah, great! Bizarre how cats have a sixth sense like that. I once had someone over who'd 'recovered' from severe anorexia. She stayed for about three hours. In that time span our female cat brought in:

    • a mouse
    • a sparrow
    • a woodpigeon (!)

    All of them straight through the catflap and in one line to the girl's feet. It was unreal. Really as if to tell her: Girl, you need to eat.

    She never visited again by the way.

  • It's even better when the pets return the love and attention. 

    I'm a cat person and female cats respond by rubbing noses with me.

  • Pets are great distraction material too. Oh and helping out in the kitchen!!!

  • Haha this is the kind of thing I would do. I find social events much easier when there are children there. I just relate to them easier and feel much more comfortable entertaining them than I do trying to have a conversation with an adult.

    Last time I had to go to a wedding I was told I looked like I wanted to kill myself. It was a very long and awkward evening.

  • Haha this is the kind of thing I would do. I find social events much easier when there are children there. I just relate to them easier and feel much more comfortable entertaining them than I do trying to have a conversation with an adult.

    Last time I had to go to a wedding I was told I looked like I wanted to kill myself. It was a very long and awkward evening.
