Why is socialising so hard?

Gt granddaughter is 1 today. She's having a party tomorrow. I'm going but am dreading it. The whole socialising thing outside of immediate family/stepfamily is so damn hard . Initiating conversations a no no, body posture - am I looking gone out/like a freak? , sitting their in awkward silence while the conversation flows around me .

  • I find initiating conversation hard. Especially in a room of lots of people. I need someone to hook me in on something I'm interested in - then I feel more comfortable and can chat away. The thing I don't get is I know some basic rules like if someone asks you a question you should answer and ask them in return. But for some reason I find it really difficult to ask them back.

    At a kids party, I would probably ignore the adults and play with the kids.

  • A room full of people is difficult noise wise too. I always get distracted by the conversations near me, and can't focus on the conversation I was engaged in.

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