Avoiding Shops at Christmas

For many of us, this time of year can be a nightmare.  It's about now I avoid towns and shops.  There are far too many people, too much noise and I hate it.

I do all of my shopping online. 

  • Shopping is one of the most avoidable things there is. Practically everything can be bought over the net so you only need venture out for very specific things that you need to actually be present for.

    Those expeditions can be done at times when you might be the only person in the shop like early or late shopping.

    I do not understand the concept of shopping as a pass-time. Wasting time & money to go and stare at things you don't need and cannot afford. Crazy behaviour.

    Anything to do with my hobbies and interests are internet only - the shops either don't exist or are miles away so added petrol cost makes the purchase too expensive.

    Things I need to be present for are things like clothes or food items of huge variability so selection is needed - like meat.

    If I have to do it, I'm there on opening so I can park easily and be done & home before the hoards come alive.

  • Shopping is one of the most avoidable things there is. Practically everything can be bought over the net so you only need venture out for very specific things that you need to actually be present for.

    Those expeditions can be done at times when you might be the only person in the shop like early or late shopping.

    I do not understand the concept of shopping as a pass-time. Wasting time & money to go and stare at things you don't need and cannot afford. Crazy behaviour.

    Anything to do with my hobbies and interests are internet only - the shops either don't exist or are miles away so added petrol cost makes the purchase too expensive.

    Things I need to be present for are things like clothes or food items of huge variability so selection is needed - like meat.

    If I have to do it, I'm there on opening so I can park easily and be done & home before the hoards come alive.

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