Avoiding Shops at Christmas

For many of us, this time of year can be a nightmare.  It's about now I avoid towns and shops.  There are far too many people, too much noise and I hate it.

I do all of my shopping online. 

  • I'm not big on shopping at the best of times but it is harder this time of year. I do try to avoid really busy places. I do a lot of shopping online and buy things I like if I see them throughout the year. The bit I find difficult is buying my own presents (my parents then reimburse me). It is often items of clothing and I don't like to buy these online as in the past I've had issues with size, fitting, material etc so I have to go somewhere I can try them on. I usually pick the shopping village quite close to me. It only involves walking round a square and it's open air so not trapped in a building and I know where the shops I like are so I can do a shop there in 30 minutes. I try and pick times like late in the evening when it is much quieter.

  • I'm not big on shopping at the best of times but it is harder this time of year. I do try to avoid really busy places. I do a lot of shopping online and buy things I like if I see them throughout the year. The bit I find difficult is buying my own presents (my parents then reimburse me). It is often items of clothing and I don't like to buy these online as in the past I've had issues with size, fitting, material etc so I have to go somewhere I can try them on. I usually pick the shopping village quite close to me. It only involves walking round a square and it's open air so not trapped in a building and I know where the shops I like are so I can do a shop there in 30 minutes. I try and pick times like late in the evening when it is much quieter.

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