
I feel like I really should change my name on here so it no longer comes up as a number. Problem is I really don't like nicknames very much and don't want it to be anything to do with my actual name. How do people come up with their names? Some of them are so clever.

  • I used to do a lot of caving and pot-holing years ago, and I'm usually rather scruffy, have a scraggly beard, and a wobbly, stooping gait; so I've been called a "troglodyte"  in one variation or another for thirty years now (usually just "Trog"). The unusual "...luddite" spelling came from a friend who thought it was appropriate given my dislike of social media, mobile phones, etc., and I like that it's a little bit ironic given that I'm such a keen computer programmer.

  • What a wonderful nickname you've got. Love the fact we're all unique and idiosyncratic - after years of not fitting in I'm finally part of the coolest gang ever! 

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