
I feel like I really should change my name on here so it no longer comes up as a number. Problem is I really don't like nicknames very much and don't want it to be anything to do with my actual name. How do people come up with their names? Some of them are so clever.

  • I was working on a project that went through a very slow patch whilst we were waiting for manglement to make up their mind what to do.  The guy leading my team got interested in nuclear accidents and we all ended up researching and reading about them whilst waiting for a decision.  Anyway, after reading the about the Windscale fire I kept thinking "Well whouda thunked it'd be a good idea to build an air cooled, carbon cored, nuclear reactor?"  Plus, Windscale Fire sounds like a cool name.  Like Max Powah! or something.

  • More innocent times I guess...

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