Virtual Jukebox

Today I've been relaxing by playing music I listened to in the past (my youth!)

Here's one such song (Supertramp: Logical Song)

Do reply with a song you liked listening to... we can turn this thread into a virtual jukebox! 

  • A very self-indulgent one next. I was chatting to an old band-mate the other day and I mentioned how none of the music we'd ever made was on-line anywhere. He corrected me, telling me that he'd digitised an old cassette and put it on YouTube (thanks Fluffy)!

    Love, Chips and Peace (LCAP) was the nearest thing that Bradford's 1 in 12 Club had to a "supergroup". All of us were in "serious" punk bands, but the lead singer had an amazing way with comedy lyrics set to the tunes of cheesy disco songs, so collected together whoever he could to put together the silliest band we could possibly manage. I played bass for them for a couple of years, and also a couple of years ago when we reformed for a friend's birthday party. My first gig with them happened when the original bass player couldn't make a gig in London - I learned the entire set sat in the back of the van on the drive down the M1 to London, which for LCAP was considered a rather luxurious amount of practice. Despite being as sloppy as possible being one of the guiding principles of LCAP, it was, of course, by far the most popular of any of the bands any of us were in!

    Unfortunately the whole tape is one long video, and the quality is terrible, so don't feel as if you have to listen to all (or any) of it!  I don't think I'm on much of this recording, as it was mostly made before I joined the band permanently, however if you jump to around 22:20, there's a delightful picture of me and my DIY customised bass at that very first gig that I played with them (in a squatted pub called the Grievous Bodily Arms!) There are photos of the lyric sheets if anyone fancies singing along!...

  • BTW: I only noticed on listening back to the whole thing that I do feature rather prominently on the recording. The song "dope and beer" (about 30 minutes in) is me singing (if you define singing loosely enough!) It's the only one not written by the LCAP lead singer, and was the first ever song that me and the mate who posted the video wrote, on the walk to our first ever band practice for the first band that we formed.

  • BTW: I only noticed on listening back to the whole thing that I do feature rather prominently on the recording. The song "dope and beer" (about 30 minutes in) is me singing (if you define singing loosely enough!) It's the only one not written by the LCAP lead singer, and was the first ever song that me and the mate who posted the video wrote, on the walk to our first ever band practice for the first band that we formed.

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