Virtual Jukebox

Today I've been relaxing by playing music I listened to in the past (my youth!)

Here's one such song (Supertramp: Logical Song)

Do reply with a song you liked listening to... we can turn this thread into a virtual jukebox! 

  • Several weeks ago I bought, from a fundraising stall for 50p, a dvd of Simon and Garfunkels Concert in Central Park, New York from 1981.  I must say I enjoyed it tremendously!  It was obvious in parts (they hardly looked at each other) that they didn't really get on, but they were professional enough to put in a very fine performance.

    One of my favourite bands of the early 1970s was Barclay James Harvest.  I went out of my way not to like commercial pop, and their LP Once Again was a high spot, not a bad track on it.  They recorded and performed with a symphony orchestra at the time and the track 'Mocking Bird' was quite outstanding:

    Occasionally a group would produce a quite unexpected track.  I have always been a 'folkie' and loved it when the rock group Traffic recorded a version of 'John Barleycorn'.  And although I usually like folk music in its more usual form, their version of this song in my opinion is one of the finest recordings of it:

  • So glad you put these tracks on. I don't often listen to Simon and Garfunkel these days, hearing 'The Boxer' reminds me that I should.  Did you like Paul Simon's Graceland album? 

    That Barclay James Harvest track 'Mockingbird' is one of my favourite ever. My brother was a big fan and I used to borrow his records. I also really like the one that went: "We will survive beyond the grave..."  strange lyrics but brilliant sound. 

    I had never heard Traffic doing 'John Barleycorn' until just now. It's a lovely version. Back in the day I used to really enjoy going to local folk clubs - I should probably give it a go again. There used to be a really wide variety of songs, and sometimes poetry as well. Have you ever gone along to any?

  • So glad you put these tracks on. I don't often listen to Simon and Garfunkel these days, hearing 'The Boxer' reminds me that I should.  Did you like Paul Simon's Graceland album? 

    That Barclay James Harvest track 'Mockingbird' is one of my favourite ever. My brother was a big fan and I used to borrow his records. I also really like the one that went: "We will survive beyond the grave..."  strange lyrics but brilliant sound. 

    I had never heard Traffic doing 'John Barleycorn' until just now. It's a lovely version. Back in the day I used to really enjoy going to local folk clubs - I should probably give it a go again. There used to be a really wide variety of songs, and sometimes poetry as well. Have you ever gone along to any?

  • When I was at school my favourite artists were Simon and Garfunkel after playing my friend's dad's albums. Loved 'Cecilia'. A lad over the road organised the three of us to see them at Wembley when we  were 15, stayed with his uncle. Then I saw Art on his own in Manchester and about 10 years ago the pair of them in Buffalo, NY state. We also got to see a free concert by Ladysmith Black Mambazo in a NY park.  I believe S&G are having a last tour this year but no money for this. The only other concerts I have been to are The Proclaimers and Gary Glitter (played at our college!). It was odd liking S&G when everyone else in my class was into Gary Numan and Duran Duran Joy