Have you got a favourite mug?

Have you got a favourite mug? This is one of mine.

  • Bought for my mathematician daughter but kept for myself (bit selfish!)
  • I love numbers but get maths anxiety (so full of contradictions!) 
  • My ginger 'fresh' tea is 2 years out of date (frugal streak!) 

Do share your favourite mug - photo or description - I find mugs fascinating 

Parents Reply
  • You're welcome Sunflower!  I know exactly what you mean re the coal bunker, I don't co-habit well at all and always said that if forced into such a situation I'd need an old house with a priest hole I could escape into!  We've recently been moved into a huge open plan office at work (aarrgghh) and I'm constantly scoping the place out for potential 'coal bunkers' 

  • Here is an article explaining why Open Plan should be bannned! www.vice.com/.../open-plan-offices-should-be-banned-immediately

  • The only reason I can cohabit with my husband is that he likes lots of time on his own too. Really feel for you having to work in open plan. I have hearing loss and used to sit under my desk to make phone calls in open plan. Got strange looks but it was lovely being hidden away! Hope you manage to find somewhere to escape to. 

    On a serious note I had to leave that job in the end. There were plenty of suitable alternative work spaces but my employer would not make accommodations. Tried Occ Health, Access to Work, GP and union intervention but they took no notice. Got some redress in the end through the employment tribunal process but it was extremely arduous.