Have you got a favourite mug?

Have you got a favourite mug? This is one of mine.

  • Bought for my mathematician daughter but kept for myself (bit selfish!)
  • I love numbers but get maths anxiety (so full of contradictions!) 
  • My ginger 'fresh' tea is 2 years out of date (frugal streak!) 

Do share your favourite mug - photo or description - I find mugs fascinating 

  • Aah! Mugs! Don't get me started....

    I have different mugs for different drinks. And different spoons to go with the mugs. So at home there is my coffee mug (Count Duckula) which goes with the coffee spoon (little pattern on handle, looks like Js); then there is my hot chocolate mug (Dalek) with my hot chocolate spoon (says "property of Ramsay street" on it),. The dilemma of course is when I want hot squash. Eventually settled on using the hot chocolate mug with the hot chocolate spoon.

    At work EVERYONE know not to touch my mug. Has "I love spreadheeets" on it. Has to multitask for daily coffee and the occasional cuppa soup. No favourite work spoon though!

  • I am so fussy about tea spoons, modern ones are like shovels Lol, too old and they are too small, stainless steel cutlery only, no plastic handles or any other material, solid stainless, Sheffield steel when possible, 

  • Spoons feel very different in the mouth depending on the the size, material and shape. If the tines of a fork are out of alignment I have to change it before I eat. Some people might consider this fussy I suppose!  

  • Spoons feel very different in the mouth depending on the the size, material and shape. If the tines of a fork are out of alignment I have to change it before I eat. Some people might consider this fussy I suppose!  
