Hello again... my story!

*deep breath*

Female, 40s, currently self-diagnosed but have submitted the AQ-10 with assistance of a counsellor.  First counsellor I spoke to refused to refer me for assessment  insisted that I couldn't be autistic as I 'demonstrate empathy and autistic people don't have empathy' - but this baffles me, especially as all I've seen on this forum is empathy!  I've been told by an acquaintance that I don't seem to be empathetic but I think that's because of the issues I have with social interaction in general, as I find it easier to express myself in writing as I have more time and liberty to engage my thoughts and responses.

Ways in which I've been described since childhood -

awkward, introverted, weird, fussy, pedantic, highly strung, reserved, disengaged, detached, blunt, abrupt, cold, stress, set in my ways...

My school reports all state 'has intelligence / ability but lacks concentration and application.... daydreams... easily distracted..'

Have always been in employment (more or less same job with same company) but haven't moved up the ladder as, however good my productivity is rated, i'm told that my 'behaviours' aren't acceptable (though I am only given vague, if any, feedback on what these 'behaviours' are).  Have been refused even a conversation wrt reasonable adjustments.

Can't maintain friendships or relationships; can't bear to be around people beyond the point where I'm 'done'.

There's more but my defective keyboard is driving me into a murderous rage!

  • Hi Lou13, your observations are correct the people on here are extremely empathetic, although putting it in to action other than words or sharing thoughts is where it seems to falter. Not meaning to sound horrible just a fact, I cannot always help, I worry yes, I lose sleep worrying, but feel unable to give my emotional energy especially if I am at a low myself.

    I have extreme empathic feelings, even if I see a post that is asking for help for a serious issue  and it hasn’t been replied to my anxiety levels rise as I worry for the poster, I don’t have the ability to find and give links to relevant information. My memory is bad and what is available is often mixed up and fragmented, I hope one of the members who can relate the information or indeed someone who has experience themselves comes along and gives what advice they can.

    so yes empathy is real here!

    some manage to flick a switch and step up with lots of useful links and resources, others have prior experience and offer that as a possible answer.

    There are a few who empathise so very much they end up exhausted doing what ever it takes to give support and guidance, then the inevitable burn out, it takes it’s toll, 

    As for school reports, mine were similar, day dreaming,,has ability but doesn’t seem to want to use it, great athlete but never seems interested, in a world of his own, one teacher told my parents my theme tune should be “ busy doing nothing, whiling the whole day through. I hid the fact I just couldn’t understand it all, I was not bullied, a rare thing, I had an older brother who mixed with the tough kids, so safe by association, I was considered tough? No idea why as I never tried to be tough, the odd word but no anger or violence ever. If a fight was arranged to sort me out,,,being a “ untouchable” I just waited until they hit me and I would hang on until they gave in, never ever did I hit anyone, not once, and I never got beat up. I would reason the fight was a waste of time whilst holding them down until finally they just gave in. 

    Also been in the same job thirty plus years, moved up but still pretty much manual work, admin is getting more and more, I fall flat, I am way behind right now and yes it is stressing me out, 

    I will end up doing an all nighter to catch up, full focus, once I get going I cannot stop..

    anyway I hope your keyboard sorts itself out. Apologies for rambling, I don’t post much often but as I say, once I get going I just keep going. 

  • Hi Lou13, your observations are correct the people on here are extremely empathetic, although putting it in to action other than words or sharing thoughts is where it seems to falter. Not meaning to sound horrible just a fact, I cannot always help, I worry yes, I lose sleep worrying, but feel unable to give my emotional energy especially if I am at a low myself.

    I have extreme empathic feelings, even if I see a post that is asking for help for a serious issue  and it hasn’t been replied to my anxiety levels rise as I worry for the poster, I don’t have the ability to find and give links to relevant information. My memory is bad and what is available is often mixed up and fragmented, I hope one of the members who can relate the information or indeed someone who has experience themselves comes along and gives what advice they can.

    so yes empathy is real here!

    some manage to flick a switch and step up with lots of useful links and resources, others have prior experience and offer that as a possible answer.

    There are a few who empathise so very much they end up exhausted doing what ever it takes to give support and guidance, then the inevitable burn out, it takes it’s toll, 

    As for school reports, mine were similar, day dreaming,,has ability but doesn’t seem to want to use it, great athlete but never seems interested, in a world of his own, one teacher told my parents my theme tune should be “ busy doing nothing, whiling the whole day through. I hid the fact I just couldn’t understand it all, I was not bullied, a rare thing, I had an older brother who mixed with the tough kids, so safe by association, I was considered tough? No idea why as I never tried to be tough, the odd word but no anger or violence ever. If a fight was arranged to sort me out,,,being a “ untouchable” I just waited until they hit me and I would hang on until they gave in, never ever did I hit anyone, not once, and I never got beat up. I would reason the fight was a waste of time whilst holding them down until finally they just gave in. 

    Also been in the same job thirty plus years, moved up but still pretty much manual work, admin is getting more and more, I fall flat, I am way behind right now and yes it is stressing me out, 

    I will end up doing an all nighter to catch up, full focus, once I get going I cannot stop..

    anyway I hope your keyboard sorts itself out. Apologies for rambling, I don’t post much often but as I say, once I get going I just keep going. 

  • Haha thanks Lonewarrior and don't worry, I'm a rambler too when I get going (and have a working keyboard! I've given up and gone back to the trusty phone)

    I know what you mean about wanting to reply and offer support to posts on here then tying oneself up in knots if the mental mechanics aren't conducive and it's something I struggle with in work too, as I'm in an analysis / support type role where I'm relied upon to move things along to result or resolution. The weight of expectation, whether self or organisation imposed, can be suffocating.