AQ test

I'm trying to get myself to a point where I can go to the doctor and ask for a referall for a diagnosis. I decided to start by writing down all the reasons I think I am autistic. I wanted to include the AQ test result. I find some of the long AQ test questions (50 questions) difficult to answer.

For example:

  • I would rather go to a library than a party. - I wouldn't want to do either so how can I answer that. I hate parties because they are too social and loud and peopley and often expect dressing up and dancing etc. I hate libraries because they are too quiet and I find it eerie. So how can I answer that question. My answer is I'd rather stay at home.
  • I prefer to do things on my own rather than with others. - It would depend on the situation. I do not like going to new places by myself at all and things I enjoy such as the cinema I'd prefer to go with others. But there are also times that I just need my own company. So again unsure how to answer.
  • I am fascinated by numbers. - I like maths and enjoy challenging maths problems but I'm not sure this would qualify as fascinated?
  • I find it easy to work out what someone is thinking or feeling just by looking at their face. - I can generally tell when people are really happy or angry or upset. But there are some facial expressions I struggle with. Sometimes it's easy to work what someone is feeling and sometimes it really isn't. I do often find myself trying to work out what people are thinking though. So does this mean I disagree.

Having written this I've concluded that I'm probably really over thinking this but I like things to be right. Anyone else had an issue with the AQ test? Any advice?

  • yeah I struggled a bit with some of the questions, like you I wanted to give alternative answers.

    I had another test to do for my assessment which was even more specific - eg "would you be happy rewiring the electrics in your house?"

    I ended up filling in the questions I felt confident answering in pen, and the ones I wasn't so sure on in pencil, and explained this.

  • yeah I struggled a bit with some of the questions, like you I wanted to give alternative answers.

    I had another test to do for my assessment which was even more specific - eg "would you be happy rewiring the electrics in your house?"

    I ended up filling in the questions I felt confident answering in pen, and the ones I wasn't so sure on in pencil, and explained this.

  • Thanks. Glad I'm not the only one. Pen and pencil is a good shout. I just want to be able to answer none or sometimes. I also find the concept of slightly agreeing with something a bit daft. 

    What does rewiring the electrics to your house have to do with autism? I mean my answer would be no I'd blow myself up but I think that's more to being clueless about electrics than autism.