Cbd oil in adults with autism what does it do?

Any adults use the OIL, what’s does it do I get days were I’m very angery and can become unreasonable and some times scare my family. I also get a lot of anxiety and have trouble when I get obsessed with objects and spend days researching things and need help letting go of. 

  • what’s does it do

    It has a placebo effect, which shouldn't be underestimated. It has uses in two rare forms of epilepsy, and also increases the effects of THC (active ingredient of cannabis), but there's no scientific evidence for a use in autism. The question does seem to come up frequently here though.

  • Cbd counteracts THC rather than increase the psychoactive effect of THC it decreases the effect i.e high THC low CBD cannabis is classed as skunk. CBD has anti anxiety, anti psychotic, anti inflammatory effects. the two compounds do work together creating a synergistic effect to treat certain illnesses

    I have used this plant for over 15 years and I know full well if you are to high from to much THC and you take some Cbd you will be sober and clear headed within the hour.

  • I have used this plant for over 15 years and I know full well if you are to high from to much THC and you take some Cbd you will be sober and clear headed within the hour.

    Well, the interaction is probably complex since they have similar chemistry. Research suggests CBD stops THC being metabolised so you should stay high longer:

    but it is also a cannabinoid receptor antagonist, so maybe that why short term it might moderate the effect. I thought skunk was distinguished by amount of THC, not lack of CBD . The effective substance in Billy Caldwell's case was a mixture of THC & CBD, so for that effect it seems the CBD potentiated the.CBD.

  • As I stated the two compounds do work together to treat certain illnesses, in Billy Caldwell case I believe he has an oil what is mainly cbd based with a small amount of THC I'm no expert on the subject but it is one of my interests and I do use the plant myself after a 3 year gap and hating upon the plant myself thinking it was the cause of my difficulties in life I have since learned that I function better and have a better quality of life with it rather than without.

    from my own experience of using both compounds I would say cbd counteracts the psychoactive effects of THC i.e the high that is the main reason people smoke cannabis. skunk's or high strength cannabis will typically have a THC content above 20 percent and a cbd content below 2 percent this is because if the 2 compounds were balanced it wouldn't get the user very high

  • As I stated the two compounds do work together to treat certain illnesses, in Billy Caldwell case I believe he has an oil what is mainly cbd based with a small amount of THC I'm no expert on the subject but it is one of my interests and I do use the plant myself after a 3 year gap and hating upon the plant myself thinking it was the cause of my difficulties in life I have since learned that I function better and have a better quality of life with it rather than without.

    from my own experience of using both compounds I would say cbd counteracts the psychoactive effects of THC i.e the high that is the main reason people smoke cannabis. skunk's or high strength cannabis will typically have a THC content above 20 percent and a cbd content below 2 percent this is because if the 2 compounds were balanced it wouldn't get the user very high

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