The lifelong suffering and torture that comes with having an Autism spectrum disorder such as Asperger's

Some people are very unfortunate in life, and I would consider people with autism spectrum disorders to be amongst the unfortunate - especially because nobody wants this type of condition. Even though my life could have turned out far worse I still consider myself very unlucky; my life is extremely sad compared to the lives of non-disabled neurotypicals. I feel as though I was only brought into the world to suffer in the way nobody should be made to suffer. Being placed in unsettling environments where I don't belong and put in such overwhelming and distressing situations that trigger my sensory issues is very cruel; my family members are fully aware of my daily struggles but don't show any empathy towards me at all. Every single time I would feel the need to run off to the special needs counsellors my parents would accuse me of misbehaving just because I'm showing signs of depression. Then when I try to get special needs professional help that is when they seem to accuse me of getting fixated and dwelling on my Asperger's condition. Yet they wonder why I end up venting my frustration on library books and other property. There are times when I don't see any point in being alive if all life is going to consist of is endless torture, because having autism is torture for autistic sufferers and their families. So many depressed people on the autism spectrum have died by suicide - what if that happens to me eventually? What if I end up killing myself in just a few years' time?

  • Hey I am SOOOOO sorry you are being tortured by this demon from hell called autism as well. You are sadly ABSOLUTELY correct it IS straight torture! Our lives are HORRIFYING! And SOOOOOOO much worse than MOST neuroypicals! GOD I am SO sick of neurotypicals having ONE semi bad thing happen to them and acting like there life is so much harder than mine when bassiacally EVERYTHING that ever happens to me is bad! :( now PLEASE keep in mind no one knows anything for sure but I wanted to let you know though that I have some family members who work in the autism field and they think it is possible that there may be treatments for this awful crap possibly even within the next few years! So if you can try to hold on! I hope the best for you! I hope for treatment for this demon soon! We deserve to have a bright future! If you ever need someone to talk to or vent to you can talk and vent to me! I know how horrible and torturous this perverted disorder is! People also DO need to realize this is a spectrum disorder and no two cases are the same and if you feel you are just different you have it MUCH more mild than me and others when you get a severe case it IS torture! sadly :( i'm sorry your sensory problems hurt you so much mine do too it is hell and I hate being put into situations where I don't belong I also feel as though I was brought into the world to suffer in the way nobody should it's just sick and WRONG! This should have never happened to us! I hope so much for treatments to deliver us from this perversion! This awful AWFUL torture! Most of my family members and friends do not show me any empathy at all either even when I desperately try to confide in them that I am being tortured they just ignore me or mock me it sucks you get the same crap treatment I am so sorry! :( It SUCKS! And also it's not us fixating and "dwelling" on our aspergers the crap consumes us and screws with us every second of our lives weather we like it or not we have no say in it sadly! I HATE AUTISM!!! Hope for treatments asap! 

  • Hey I am SOOOOO sorry you are being tortured by this demon from hell called autism as well. You are sadly ABSOLUTELY correct it IS straight torture! Our lives are HORRIFYING! And SOOOOOOO much worse than MOST neuroypicals! GOD I am SO sick of neurotypicals having ONE semi bad thing happen to them and acting like there life is so much harder than mine when bassiacally EVERYTHING that ever happens to me is bad! :( now PLEASE keep in mind no one knows anything for sure but I wanted to let you know though that I have some family members who work in the autism field and they think it is possible that there may be treatments for this awful crap possibly even within the next few years! So if you can try to hold on! I hope the best for you! I hope for treatment for this demon soon! We deserve to have a bright future! If you ever need someone to talk to or vent to you can talk and vent to me! I know how horrible and torturous this perverted disorder is! People also DO need to realize this is a spectrum disorder and no two cases are the same and if you feel you are just different you have it MUCH more mild than me and others when you get a severe case it IS torture! sadly :( i'm sorry your sensory problems hurt you so much mine do too it is hell and I hate being put into situations where I don't belong I also feel as though I was brought into the world to suffer in the way nobody should it's just sick and WRONG! This should have never happened to us! I hope so much for treatments to deliver us from this perversion! This awful AWFUL torture! Most of my family members and friends do not show me any empathy at all either even when I desperately try to confide in them that I am being tortured they just ignore me or mock me it sucks you get the same crap treatment I am so sorry! :( It SUCKS! And also it's not us fixating and "dwelling" on our aspergers the crap consumes us and screws with us every second of our lives weather we like it or not we have no say in it sadly! I HATE AUTISM!!! Hope for treatments asap! 

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