Received formal NHS diagnosis

WHO ICD-10 Version: 2016 F84.5 Asperger syndrome

A forgone conclusion really, but somehow satisfying all the same to get the confirmation at 44 years of age. 

  • F84.5

    Same here, in late 40s. Did you get an ADOS-2 score? Mine was 13, but I think 2 of those points were the assessor's mistake.

    All the best for the rest of your life.

  • Actually, they only told me verbally on Friday. All that was said at the end of the consultation was:

    DSM-5 Autism Spectrum Disorder

    ICD-10 Asperger syndrome

    I looked up ICD-10 when I got home. 

    Letter and report to follow (sounds like there's a backlog...)

  • My letter took three months to be typed up, or went via Ulaan Bataar sorting office. It was about four pages of stuff I'd told them, plus the score. I regret somewhat not asking for more detailed feedback.

    You may be able to find DSM-5 in the library, but there are no sympathetic characters, and the ending was a bit of a let-down.

  • My letter took three months to be typed up, or went via Ulaan Bataar sorting office. It was about four pages of stuff I'd told them, plus the score. I regret somewhat not asking for more detailed feedback.

    You may be able to find DSM-5 in the library, but there are no sympathetic characters, and the ending was a bit of a let-down.
