Security Lights

I am terrified of security lights that neighbours use when they sense movement because I find it very difficult to simply ignore them and I have to somehow block them out in some way. Is this something anyone else has had trouble with?

  • If they are causing you a nuisance, by shining into your own house, for example, the neighbours should adjust them so that they don't do that. There is no need for you to put up with that, and it isn't an autistic thing to find that annoying.

  • Well, Dragon, the previous owners of the house across the street from us sold it to whomever and it has been developed over the past months to become larger and actually it was quite interesting to see it coming along up until a few days ago when they put up several new security lights, one of which happens to be at an angle directly facing my house. I don't think it's been done on purpose and people are entitled to take measures to secure their property but it's just bad luck that it is where it is. The light itself has been angled down a bit so it's not as if they have been completely irresponsible, however, some years ago I had the same problem from a neighbour situated at the back of the house this time who did not bother to adjust their security light and, actually, I had to point out to her that she needed to move it slightly, which she obligingly did. I had to buy special black-out curtains on that occasion too. The thing is, this new situation brings it all back and I'm sad and disappointed that it is now again a problem (at least for me). It may be that I'm just too sensitive and intolerant but I find this kind of thing very intrusive and something very difficult to ignore. I seem to be the only one in my family who is affected so much by this so I wondered if it could be due to some autistic traits in me.Perhaps I'm simply neurotic.

  • As I have Posted here before, I try to say more somethings...

    There is a new condition, there: When I first posted, I did not know that the "Security Lights" were shining into your house and disturbing your sleep, Thank You. (Had I known that, my reply might have been very different.)

    I myself sleep with a "Mask" or by covering my own eyes in some way: I cannot afford "Blinds" or "Blackouts". 

    I live in London, where they are currently changing the old Sodium-Streetlights into newer, brighter Dazzling LED lights. One of these is directly outside of where I "live". But the "mask" deals with it... so far.

    I do not like to have to cover my eyes, at times, but I have gotten used to it.

    I end this Post now, by saying: Please stay good and well.

  • As I have Posted here before, I try to say more somethings...

    There is a new condition, there: When I first posted, I did not know that the "Security Lights" were shining into your house and disturbing your sleep, Thank You. (Had I known that, my reply might have been very different.)

    I myself sleep with a "Mask" or by covering my own eyes in some way: I cannot afford "Blinds" or "Blackouts". 

    I live in London, where they are currently changing the old Sodium-Streetlights into newer, brighter Dazzling LED lights. One of these is directly outside of where I "live". But the "mask" deals with it... so far.

    I do not like to have to cover my eyes, at times, but I have gotten used to it.

    I end this Post now, by saying: Please stay good and well.
