Security Lights

I am terrified of security lights that neighbours use when they sense movement because I find it very difficult to simply ignore them and I have to somehow block them out in some way. Is this something anyone else has had trouble with?

  • Um... Greetings. It often happens that I just Log On, and then a new Thread of interest to me begins, and despite my perhaps knowing better... I respond...! (Aspergers is my excuse here, anyway...)  :-)

    I myself do notice "security lights". The thing is, where I "live", we also have them (!). They upset Cats or Foxes and whatnot for a bit, yet then they get used to them. The thing is, about such things, is that they are there for a good reason: Not everyone who is sneaking about in the dark is a good person, and the lights are there as a deterrant. Just to let you know that someone may be sneaking about in the dark...

    My advice is to just ignore them insofar as your knowing that person or yourself living in that area. "Blocking" them, as you say, is fine in my opninon as they may DAZZLE you. Do not be scared of them... or perhaps you may later state some reason as to why they "terrify" you in the literal sense of that word...?

    Apart from all of that... maybe someone else may post something more helpful than this, sorry. Please keep yourself well, "LostMyWay" (good UserName, there.).

  • Yes, Disallowed, I have told myself that they are there for a good reason but just find it difficult to focus out of the light they generate (which can be pretty intense compared to other lights), even getting upset at the slightest sign of them when I try to block them out. Anyway, I guess I will gradually adjust to them over time, so thank you for responding and giving me some comfort. 

  • Yes, Disallowed, I have told myself that they are there for a good reason but just find it difficult to focus out of the light they generate (which can be pretty intense compared to other lights), even getting upset at the slightest sign of them when I try to block them out. Anyway, I guess I will gradually adjust to them over time, so thank you for responding and giving me some comfort. 

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