Autistic Legal help - Searching for a lawyer

Hi I'm looking for legal help that is mindful of my conditions and how they've effected my life.

I have a criminal record due to my fascination with how things work which prevents solicitors taking me on as a client i believe. I am looking to take legal action against my father for years of violent and emotional abuse that has now caused me to have PTSD adding additional problems to my life that i didn't need and separately, the police for a potential wrongful arrest and mistreatment that too has caused me to be terrified that SWAT will break in through my windows, that every car door that slams on my fronts will be them coming to get me. 

I feel i am justified in my request for help but every time in searching for a lawyer via has turned up no positive results. The time frames for the violent and emotional abuse have run out, but we simply could not do anything about it while living under the culture of fear in the family home. I need to feel some justice in a world that has taken too much from me and i'm really sort of giving this a long shot attempted that somebody around here could point me in a fruitful direction. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

  • Hi NAS37062,

    You may like to contact our Autism Helpline team who are best suited to answer your question. They can provide you with information and advice. You can call them on 0808 800 4104 (Monday to Thursday 10am to 4pm, Friday 9am to 3pm). Please note that the Helpline is experiencing a high volume of calls and it may take a couple of attempts before you get through to speak to an advisor.

    Please see the following link for further information:

    In the meantime you might find suitable legal services via the NAS services directory, if you haven't already had a look?:  

    Best wishes,

    Heather - Mod

  • Sorry for the delay in replying. I will look at the NAS directory now, thank you. 

    I'm unable to call because of my phone anxiety, would there be an email address i can correspond with instead? I've notified my Mum i'm trying to do something with legal help but would prefer to try to do this without a lot of help from her. She already does enough for me.

  • Sorry for the delay in replying. I will look at the NAS directory now, thank you. 

    I'm unable to call because of my phone anxiety, would there be an email address i can correspond with instead? I've notified my Mum i'm trying to do something with legal help but would prefer to try to do this without a lot of help from her. She already does enough for me.
