ASD dating and Men

I have tried over many years different dating sites with no luck. 

So here is my proposition:

Fiction has created an unrealistic portrayal of both masculinity and romantic love that no man, NT or not, can match it.

This makes successful partnerships for men, virtually unobtainable.

  • I originally created this thread then deleted my account.  Not a great time for me when I did. 

    I still hope to meet a woman and have a gf, but it is unlikely. Girls have always thought I am both “nice” and “weird” at the same time. At least I now know why ie Aspies.

    I think I am at peace that I will be by myself. But do avoid all dating sites.

  • I originally created this thread then deleted my account.  Not a great time for me when I did. 

    I still hope to meet a woman and have a gf, but it is unlikely. Girls have always thought I am both “nice” and “weird” at the same time. At least I now know why ie Aspies.

    I think I am at peace that I will be by myself. But do avoid all dating sites.

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