ASD dating and Men

I have tried over many years different dating sites with no luck. 

So here is my proposition:

Fiction has created an unrealistic portrayal of both masculinity and romantic love that no man, NT or not, can match it.

This makes successful partnerships for men, virtually unobtainable.

  • I've just recently re-joined internet dating. I'm not looking for some traditionally masculine or overly romantic. I just want someone who I'm attracted to who is nice. 

    When you're messaging potential partners do you always make sure you reference something they have put on their profile? I hate it when I get a generic 'how are you?' and you can't tell whether its a cut and paste job or they're actually interested

  • I'm not looking for some traditionally masculine or overly romantic. I just want someone who I'm attracted to who is nice.

    I also just want someone who I am attracted to and who is nice, polite and caring.

    I hate it when I get a generic 'how are you?

    This is the top question I absolutely hate everywhere.

    People keep asking me it and I do not know what to answer. I never ask this question.

  • Sounds like a good thing to generate a "go-to answer" for then so when someone asks you have a pre-prepared response for it :-)

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