Do autistic women wear makeup?

I would have started a poll but I can't see how to do that.

My daughter has just asked why I don't wear any make up, 

It's uncomfortable, makes my face itch, makes me look very odd and I can't do it myself and look like anything other than a clown but my husband says it's because I'm autistic, what do you think?

  • Greetings. With regards to Polling, CARETWO wrote the following answer in the following Thread, which says:

    After clicking 'Reply' (or clicking 'New Thread') to begin a new post, move the pointer to the place where you wish to insert a poll in the text box and then select 'Insert' from the menu below the text box and select 'Insert Poll'.

    ...This is a Link Directly to that Answer:

    (I have yet to do this myself, yet probably cannot...)

    However, as my own answer to the Main Question and to Miss Song, I myself am Allergic to most man-made things: Thus, although I certainly/socially do need make-up - because I am not at all "pretty"! - I do not wear it. I believe that the choice has nothing to do with Autism, for lots of NTs would also make the choice not to wear it, or would also have Allergies to it, or would not know how to wear it effectively.

  • I agree DC some nt’s also choose not to wear make up but it has been cited as a trait in females with autism. I’m not sure if that’s an ‘officially’ recognised trait but the women who does the list of female traits lists not wearing make up and bothering with hair and stuff. My hair is very long, thick and wild and I only wash it a couple of times a year and I only brush it once a week or so to prevent dread locks and I don’t follow fashion but I do appear to have developed my own ‘style’ ala la wellies :-D lol! 

    p.s. DC you ARE pretty, every girl/woman is. It’s when we start to compare ourselves to a false idea of what pretty is that we can feel less so, but that’s bs because we are ALL beautiful and we are all beautifully different and no woman needs to cover herself in makeup to try to disguise how she looks. We get an image in our minds (fantasy) of what we think ‘pretty’ is and then we tell ourselves we don’t meet this fantasy standard and tell ourselves we’re not pretty, but there are as many versions of pretty as there are girls/Women on this planet and you’re one of them and you don’t need anyone’s agreement on that. If somebody else doesn’t think you’re pretty, that’s their problem, they’re not seeing you as you are but through some fantasy filter that they have placed on themselves so in their limited view of the world, we may not be pretty, but we are, without a shadow of a doubt. 

  • (Deadpan)...Y-e-e-e-es... Thank You for what you say, Miss ShinyBlue person... I was hoping not to continue upon this topic - of "What is pretty"-  and so I shall try to DISMISS it right here.

    I do not have a "self image" problem, or "self-confidence" problem, or any of that. If I looked like a Frog, then I simply say that I look like a Frog, and that is the fact of it. When I meant that I am not "Pretty", I have all sorts of scars, blemishes, illnesses, sagging, Minority-Ethnicity... that sort of "Socially"-singled-out "not pretty"-ness...!

    Consider famous people such as Madonna, Beyonce, George Clooney, The Mona Lisa... they are celebrated in that way, pretty, attractive, whatever. That is what I meant by "pretty".

    I myself am an Artist/Illustrator, and so I am supposed to know about that sort of thing! And so I know that I am not that kind of "Pretty"...And also I know that I could be, using Make Up or Surgery or whatnot. That is what Make-Up is for. But I am not at all interested in it for myself, Not one bit. But as an Artist, I know how to apply it to either myself or to other people...just as with Photography, where using certain Lighting can flatter or improve or not, depending upon wanted effects. (Pretty, Ugly, Cute, Scary, Dead, Underwater, Young, Old...etc. etc.)

    It is all matter-of-fact to myself, it does not have to concern me...And that is all.

  • Yeah, I TOTALLY get that DC. I know what you mean 100% and I’m with you. I have a particular affinity (if that’s the right word) with beauty, in all its forms, and I can certainly appreciate the beauty of people such as Madonna etc but although I appreciate their beauty and know I could also look that way with make up etc, I wouldn’t do it as that is ‘their’ look and mine is mine and like you, I know I’m just as beautiful as them in the greater sense of the word and I have no desire to try to look like them. If people can’t appreciate my brand of beauty, which comes from the inside, then that’s ok, they’re clearly just not open to it. 

    I see beauty in every face I see and while I can appreciate the sheer beauty (in the traditional sense) of some people and I can be mesmerised by it, I see it as simply one form of beauty and certainly no more beautiful than anyone or anything else, in the grander scheme of things. 

    We are quite unusual to have such a good body image. I had never really thought about it until I was in a group therapy group several years ago, and it became apparent that I had a good body image and nobody else did. It’s just natural to me and it’s the way I see others as well although I did learn, as a kid, that other people had these (invisible to me) rules about who is ‘pretty’ etc, but I still didn’t realise everyone didn’t see everyone as beautiful, including themselves, like I did. I think that by accepting ourselves, just as we are, that fact alone makes us so so beautiful, a beauty more precious than the eyes could ever behold. Like you, I can put on make up and I do occasionally and I enjoy it, it’s fun, but that’s all it is, I don’t do it to try to change my face or hide it, it’s just a bit of fun that I occasionally enjoy. Girl friends in the past have even got annoyed with me because I don’t wear make up, do my hair (I only wash it a couple of times a year) or wear fashionable clothes but I just don’t go in for all that stuff, I wear clothes that are comfortable and I wear them over and over again, I have clothes that are more than 30 years old!!! My hair is down to my bum because I don’t cut it and I wear my wellies everywhere I go! Lol! 

    So yeah, I get you, 100% and your beauty is exquisite, rare and seducingly sublime (if they’re the right words ~ I rarely know what words mean but I like the sounds of them) ~ keep on shinning and rocking your own brand of beauty Ok hand tone3

  • Yeah, I TOTALLY get that DC. I know what you mean 100% and I’m with you. I have a particular affinity (if that’s the right word) with beauty, in all its forms, and I can certainly appreciate the beauty of people such as Madonna etc but although I appreciate their beauty and know I could also look that way with make up etc, I wouldn’t do it as that is ‘their’ look and mine is mine and like you, I know I’m just as beautiful as them in the greater sense of the word and I have no desire to try to look like them. If people can’t appreciate my brand of beauty, which comes from the inside, then that’s ok, they’re clearly just not open to it. 

    I see beauty in every face I see and while I can appreciate the sheer beauty (in the traditional sense) of some people and I can be mesmerised by it, I see it as simply one form of beauty and certainly no more beautiful than anyone or anything else, in the grander scheme of things. 

    We are quite unusual to have such a good body image. I had never really thought about it until I was in a group therapy group several years ago, and it became apparent that I had a good body image and nobody else did. It’s just natural to me and it’s the way I see others as well although I did learn, as a kid, that other people had these (invisible to me) rules about who is ‘pretty’ etc, but I still didn’t realise everyone didn’t see everyone as beautiful, including themselves, like I did. I think that by accepting ourselves, just as we are, that fact alone makes us so so beautiful, a beauty more precious than the eyes could ever behold. Like you, I can put on make up and I do occasionally and I enjoy it, it’s fun, but that’s all it is, I don’t do it to try to change my face or hide it, it’s just a bit of fun that I occasionally enjoy. Girl friends in the past have even got annoyed with me because I don’t wear make up, do my hair (I only wash it a couple of times a year) or wear fashionable clothes but I just don’t go in for all that stuff, I wear clothes that are comfortable and I wear them over and over again, I have clothes that are more than 30 years old!!! My hair is down to my bum because I don’t cut it and I wear my wellies everywhere I go! Lol! 

    So yeah, I get you, 100% and your beauty is exquisite, rare and seducingly sublime (if they’re the right words ~ I rarely know what words mean but I like the sounds of them) ~ keep on shinning and rocking your own brand of beauty Ok hand tone3

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