Are there any women here?

Hi, I’m new to the forum and want to know if there are any women here online (I’m a  female professional in my early 40s). From reading some posts you are out there but kind of in the minority....I am hoping to seek diagnosis very soon and would appreciate knowing I’m not alone out here..! Thank you

  • Hi

    I am a 51 year old women, diagnosed 1.5 years ago with ASD.

    Never in my life did I feel "average" (or normal, haha), until I got diagnosed with ASD after having suffered for years from burn-out, leaky gut, Graves disease, depression, ...  Now, I seem to be quite a classic case :-)

    After the diagnosis I kind of expected for everything to change, but that does not happen.  Even when you tell people, they hardly react.  Only two people asked me if they could read a book about it, to help them understand me better.  After telling friends or relatives about my diagnosis, they never mentioned it again.  I think they are afraid to "make it worse" by acknowledging it, but in fact, it is just the other way round.  It does make me feel more relaxed and at peace with myself on the plus side.

    Good luck on your journey and don't hesitate to ask me whatever you want to know!


  • Yes, It is so frustrating getting the: "oh everyone is a bit autistic". and "gosh it is quite fascinating, that everyone is getting labels nowadays" and commonly "oh you are fine the way you are, don't change". Sometimes, when people don't mention it again, I worry they think I was just attention seeking or making things up. I have stopped telling people I am autistic and just tell them about my needs: "I am sensitive to sensory overload etc... " and "I need 10 hours of sleep (good excuse for early retreat from a party")

  • Yes I agree.  I told someone the other day that I was diagnosed with Adult ADHD last year and that I'm going through an Aspergers diagnosis at the moment.  Their response "it's a bit late now for that isn't it" . . . .Erm No, this doesn't stop in childhood! I am medicated for my adult ADHD and it affects me every day as does the ASD.  Honestly most of the time you are not dealing with the higher planes of intellect and insight with people so really what can you expect?  Understanding is really very limited by personal experience. I don't really genuinely care what they think one way or another though to be honest :O  I have learned that pretty much it doesn't matter what you tell people in the end they think what they want to!!

    For me it's a licence to be different so that I don't have to keep excusing myself or feeling guilty about who I am.  Odd that it should take a label to bring about this self acceptance but there it is :O x

  • I love the fact that you can totally connect with your daughter and that you are each able to identify with each other...this is your understand your children...and I’m sure that they love you dearly...x

    keep being you...keep fighting those that need to be fought....I hope that it also helps to make you feel empowered..

    keep being you girl 

  • I love the fact that you can totally connect with your daughter and that you are each able to identify with each other...this is your understand your children...and I’m sure that they love you dearly...x

    keep being you...keep fighting those that need to be fought....I hope that it also helps to make you feel empowered..

    keep being you girl 

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