Quotes - quotes about Aspergers - others quotes to you

What quotes would you give about Aspergers - your own or other quotes

What have others said to you about Aspergers? 

  • "we're all a little bit autistic" ... used as a dismissive fob off etc

  • if you had a penny for every time that was said?! 

  • Or when I told the first aid instructure I didn’t want to see the upsetting video of a real life saving event captured whilst life guards were filming on Bandai beach australia.

    i had seen it before and it hurt me so much.

    she said that’s ok but why? I told her I had deep feelings! And that I was going through a difficult period with my true feelings and ability to control them,She said “ ah bless” I just wanted to shout at her for being so patronising,

    I also asked to be excused from watching another one at a health and safety session.it was the footage of the hills borough disaster, I still had bad thoughts of it when I saw it as a youngster. The instructor this time was ok and guessed I was old enough to have witnessed it back then on tv and press coverage. I was the only one of a class of thirty. I got a lot of sideways glances when I came back in though.

  • I thought this was just me! Thank you so much for posting this. There are some upsetting safety videos going around at work at the moment and I can't watch them.

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