Quotes - quotes about Aspergers - others quotes to you

What quotes would you give about Aspergers - your own or other quotes

What have others said to you about Aspergers? 

  • On telling my metaphysics tutor, who I never felt comfortable with, her reply was - 'I'm sorry about the diagnosis'!!!! I'm fuming. I want to be really rude back to her, I'd like nothing more. I don't know if she is being rude to me though although I don't know why but I suspect she is. I have really tried to not be rude to her and to put my suspicions or opinions of her to one side, because after all, she's only my tutor so as long as she's doing a good job at that, I figured it doesn't matter if I like her or not.

    Also today I got the common one, 'we're all on the spectrum you know' but I do know this woman was trying to be genuinely supportive. I guess it just shows that there is still a lot of misconceptions around, which is ok, but when you're on the other side of it, it can be difficult.

    It sometimes makes me think I won't disclose it any more to anybody, but 1) I don't know if that's even possible, as I seem to blurt it out regardless of whether I wanted to or not, and 2) why the hell shouldn't I? Some people have responded positively and have admitted they know little about it and have asked me to tell them more about it. 

    I don't know, I guess it's all new to me as I was only recently diagnosed but I supposed I wasn't expecting to be patronised and treated as if all of a sudden I haven't got a brain!

  • "Come back when you've matured a little," or "You'll grow out of it" or simply "Grow up!"

  • I thought this was just me! Thank you so much for posting this. There are some upsetting safety videos going around at work at the moment and I can't watch them.

  • I am newly diagnosed and have told only 6 people  so not much to go on, but my favourite is

    "well you're doing a great job" that was a lot better than the variations on "oh noes" or "I'm so sorry" replies like you have been diagnosed with a terminal disease

  • cute?!  

    yeah, end of!

  • I know I have posted this link before but it is always worth a watch (Caution: contains strong language which may offend)


  • I've had "it is usual obvious if someone has Asperger's as they all come across as rude."

    From a counsellor.

  • Same to all..."I do that " "You're not autistic" (because everyone is an expert) "maybe I am as well" "I do that" "everyone's on the spectrum" "how cute" I've even had "I hope you're not going to use this as an excuse" 

    Ummmmm...ive had an official diagnosis by a professional who specialises in autism. I'm not making it up, I'm not "trying to be autistic" because of the research I've found and I'm not looking for an excuse. 

    We're different. End of. 

  • Last year when I informed my line manager (a Headteacher in a Junior School) of my being on the autism spectrum and needing help with understanding the ambiguous and jargonistic documents that I am given from time to time, he came back with: “ Yeah, my brain's a bit autistic too, sometimes!”.

    A couple of months later, the same Headteacher is promising to verbally go through some other documents with me (though this never materialised) and is telling me how it's funny that they support the children at school with special needs, but they don't think to support adults such as myself (we were talking about my autism).

    A couple of months later on from that, I requested the reasonable adjustment of being accompanied by my partner to a grievance meeting, the same Headteacher refused this request.

    I raised this as disability discrimination, the Headteacher is now contending that he was unaware that I was autistic!

    Employment Tribunal looms!

  • This woman can come up with the odd ignorant statement. I didn't mind her calling me weird, it was just her dismissive nature and that she could be oh so right. 

    I think that she is trying to make amends now though, we have been invited round for a meal. Personally I wasn't that fussed about going, but I know my wife will enjoy their company.

    oh well, let's just hope that there's no more sweeping statements and things are more relaxed.

  • how about you stop being ignorant! 

  • Has the second been said to you in those words??? Or rather implied? Guess the attitude is around a lot, but not sure I can think of anyone who would actually say it.

  • “Oh yeah I think my mate has that” .

    ”well if that’s what it is then just stop doing it”

  • Everyone is an expert on Aspergers! 

  • Upon disclosing my diagnosis for Aspergers to the wife of a friend, she told me that I don't have Aspergers, I'm just weird… And they say that Aspies are dismissive!

  • extricating themselves!  

  • You're like a machine, concentrated on the work. 

    You are remote. 

    You aren't people centric. 

  • "We have done all we could" (implying that I did nothing of what I could have done)

    when all they did actually was making it a crime that I tried hard to finish what I had planned and had also been told to finish, because it causes me a lot of stress to not finish things...