Quotes - quotes about Aspergers - others quotes to you

What quotes would you give about Aspergers - your own or other quotes

What have others said to you about Aspergers? 

  • Same to all..."I do that " "You're not autistic" (because everyone is an expert) "maybe I am as well" "I do that" "everyone's on the spectrum" "how cute" I've even had "I hope you're not going to use this as an excuse" 

    Ummmmm...ive had an official diagnosis by a professional who specialises in autism. I'm not making it up, I'm not "trying to be autistic" because of the research I've found and I'm not looking for an excuse. 

    We're different. End of. 

  • Same to all..."I do that " "You're not autistic" (because everyone is an expert) "maybe I am as well" "I do that" "everyone's on the spectrum" "how cute" I've even had "I hope you're not going to use this as an excuse" 

    Ummmmm...ive had an official diagnosis by a professional who specialises in autism. I'm not making it up, I'm not "trying to be autistic" because of the research I've found and I'm not looking for an excuse. 

    We're different. End of. 
