Quotes - quotes about Aspergers - others quotes to you

What quotes would you give about Aspergers - your own or other quotes

What have others said to you about Aspergers? 

  • Last year when I informed my line manager (a Headteacher in a Junior School) of my being on the autism spectrum and needing help with understanding the ambiguous and jargonistic documents that I am given from time to time, he came back with: “ Yeah, my brain's a bit autistic too, sometimes!”.

    A couple of months later, the same Headteacher is promising to verbally go through some other documents with me (though this never materialised) and is telling me how it's funny that they support the children at school with special needs, but they don't think to support adults such as myself (we were talking about my autism).

    A couple of months later on from that, I requested the reasonable adjustment of being accompanied by my partner to a grievance meeting, the same Headteacher refused this request.

    I raised this as disability discrimination, the Headteacher is now contending that he was unaware that I was autistic!

    Employment Tribunal looms!

  • Last year when I informed my line manager (a Headteacher in a Junior School) of my being on the autism spectrum and needing help with understanding the ambiguous and jargonistic documents that I am given from time to time, he came back with: “ Yeah, my brain's a bit autistic too, sometimes!”.

    A couple of months later, the same Headteacher is promising to verbally go through some other documents with me (though this never materialised) and is telling me how it's funny that they support the children at school with special needs, but they don't think to support adults such as myself (we were talking about my autism).

    A couple of months later on from that, I requested the reasonable adjustment of being accompanied by my partner to a grievance meeting, the same Headteacher refused this request.

    I raised this as disability discrimination, the Headteacher is now contending that he was unaware that I was autistic!

    Employment Tribunal looms!
