• RE: Masking Fatigue - Back into the "real world"

    This is exactly what I've experienced - it's far more draining than I remember it being pre-COVID.

    That was my conclusion as well. I guess I need to start "exercising" more, just hope I don't burn myself out in the process!

  • RE: Psychiatry UK forms and assessment

    At 51 I'm very late in potentially finding out why I have felt so different for all of these years.  I too felt the upset/sadness for the child growing up without knowing why life was such a struggle compared to his peers.  It has affected my life really…

  • RE: Hope Therapy?

    Everyone copes with things differently.     My father in law just sat on the sofa for 2 years until the end.    Another friend went out every day with family and friends and off on holidays until he passed.

    I'm just finishing chemo 8 and I'll be starting chemo…

  • RE: What scares you ?

    On the practical side I am scared by ...

    looking stupid and standing out

    scared of not looking 'normal' at work

    burning out and being able to function

    fish (no seriously) have a massive fish phobia, even fish on TV.

    More genrally I am scared…

  • vent

    This is just me thinking cause I'm too lazy to go get my journal to think there. Feel free to ignore. Might not even post it I guess. 

    I just don't like myself much right now, I'm nothing at everything. I think I've just been getting more boring and…

  • RE: Explosive husband refuses to believe he may be autistic

    Hi Number, I found your response really helpful as you sound similar to my husband. Do you mind me asking how you found your way? When you said you wanted to get to the bottom of your "unhappiness".

    Is there anything in particular that helps…

  • RE: What were you like as a child?

    My eyes and my head hurt a lil bit still but I just had my typical 2 hours later after it's all over belated mini cry so I'm probably on the mend now. ThumbsupThumbsup
    I don't even know if it was a meltdown, shutdown or the shortest burn out I've ever had, I think…

  • Being A Teacher

    Can Autistic people be school teachers? I have been struggling with the sensory processing in the classroom, along with just being an unprepared teacher (due to never teaching before, nor having any teaching training). I am trying to consider if this…

  • RE: What does ‘unmasking’ look like?

    I was diagnosed in October, at 32. I'm really struggling with this question as well, particularly as lately I've found social interaction incredibly exhausting which resulted in my burning out in the run up to Christmas. I know that I can confidently…

  • RE: Autism Fatigue...?

    Could it be psychosomatic? When I turned 30 I felt permanently tired, run down, and caught so many illnesses, then when I turned 31 it stopped almost over night. I have since come to the conclusion because I dreaded the big 30 I was making myself physically…