• RE: Thoughts about autism and BPD

    I have Autism and BPD combined, and I have been through a very, very abusive upbringing, and even as an adult, I am still being treated horribly by the people who caused my BPD and C-PTSD to flourish in the first place. In Public school, I was horribly…

  • RE: "Putting on my best normal" - how to shed the mask and do it anyway...

    Yes, undoubtedly this needs more work as at present there is a mix of awareness and of "feeling lost" - overwhelmed with the body of work needed to be done and that lack of "self time" to consider as deeply as i would like and importantly what…
  • I’m 64 and I think I may be on the autistic spectrum - can anyone give me some tips?

    Hi everyone,

    I hope u don’t mind me bouncing my experiences off u all but I’m hoping that one or two of u can maybe validate them and give me a few tips. Basically I had a mega light bulb hour last night. I’ve suspected I’m on the autistic spectrum for…

  • RE: NT spouse of ?Asperger's.

    Hi Onmyown:

    I'm 26 yrs married, hubby diagnosed twice, 10 & again about 6 yrs ago. There are good, wise people here & no need to be apprehensive. Below I've pasted in something you & others in long-term NT-ASD relationships might recognize. While the…

  • RE: Seeking NT spouses/partners

    Thank you Frankie. I too have an adult child on the spectrum as well as another w/profound special needs. My spouse is more severely ASD affected than my elder child. The issues we face are multiple as you suggest but it is the voices of NT spouses I…

  • RE: Melanie Sykes have just been diagnosed with autism

    I am glad to have been of some service.

    In that Autistic Spectrum Disorder describes limited, narrow and repetitive patterns of social interaction, communication and imagination ~ or as the acronym of ASD it has always been a diagnostic descriptor;…