• RE: What book are you reading now?

    There is an excellent series on the Minoans you can pick up on You Tube. Its premise is that basically the eruption of Thera was much bigger than previously supposed - possibly 7, not 6, on the vei index. There is evidence of massive tsunamis taken place…

  • RE: Reality and Appearance...

    I can’t really understand what you’re talking about Tom, although I’m truly grateful for the conversation starter. When I try to understand what you’re saying, it’s like my brain starts scattering and I can’t grasp ideas long enough to make any sense…

  • RE: CD's versus Vinyl Fight-club deathmatch thread. Come and have a go if you think you're tough enough!

    Having  lived to see the demise of 78s.. and onward and studied on the newer varieties of formatting I would say we are dealing with an apples - oranges situation.

    Vinyl has more analog range and captures nuance better. Digital is brighter and crisper…

  • Autism and Eating

    Hello all,
    I have a neurodivergent 4 year old who seems to be less and less flexible with what she is willing to eat as she gets older. She likes food to be plain, dry, and not touching. She loves crisps and cakes and eats apple at times. Sometimes…
  • RE: Hyper focus = meltdown

    Your inner voice or your submerged conscious self is always creating possible trajectories to calculate outcomes. You are not subject to this Whim and Fancy of Fate. But if you don't pay attention to a probable consequence, then you might be subjecting…

  • RE: Autism and Police involvement

    With a camera in hand the police like to target photographers. They judge others by their own low standards. Take this the right way, I support the Police Force and am grateful they exist. The few bad apples make a bad representation of the majority.…

  • RE: Burnout

    Oh Tom, this sounds horribly familiar to me. I am sure lots of other people here have experienced this sort of hell at work too. You are right to prioritise your health and take time off to plan your next steps. Moggsy's observations about PTSD recovery…

  • RE: Relaxing Photographs Of Trees

    Greetings, all. I saw this Thread yesterday, 3 Minutes after it was begun, but did not Post due to varying reasons... This is supposed to be a "Relaxing Pictures" Thread, and despite having ability, I myself lack the equipment (A Proper Camera of my own…

  • RE: Are you good at maths?

    less thrilled to see how terminally it distracts some of the kids in the classes I teach. 

    Yes.  I was reading that Melinda Gates's children don't have smartphones and only use a computer in the kitchen. Her husband Bill spends hours in his…

  • RE: Beware the Slenderman

    I am sure it Cambridge Analytica had something to do with Brexit. There was quite a bit about this published in The Guardian a while back and I don't know why it is breaking as a scandal only now. 

    You could suspect if by the sheer amount of cliched…