Perimenopause revealing my neurodiversity

Hello! I’m new to this site & reaching out to try to find answers & shared experiences. I’m 51 years old & struggling with perimenopause. I attend a fabulous seminar by the university of Bournemouth & Henpicked about menopause & neurodiversity 3 months ago & it’s like someone has thrown a bomb into my life (apologies for the violent reference). I realised I was neurodiverse. I was euphoric at first - what an epiphany- as it explained so much - why I struggled as a child & now. But now I’m thinking where do I go from here? I currently have 2 jobs - one with a lot of responsibility which I feel I am failing at. My anxiety is through the roof & I struggle hourly to contain it.  I live alone & so have to work at this level in order to support myself but all I’d like to do is give up work or find something with much less responsibility & that I can do independently (I currently manage a team of 7). But that isn’t possible unless I go back to a house share situation. I have pets so this isn’t possible & I like my space too much - & need it to avoid burnout. My question is this - is there support for those coming out as neurodivergent late in life particularly women & where? And is there support for highly functioning neurodivergents in high level roles. Help! Any suggestions, experiences, thoughts, gratefully received …

  • Susan Weed's "Wise Womyn ways: the Menopausal years" is very comprehensive on this with lots of measures that a wise womyn can take. I got me through. I made mine a special interest, the chemistry and physics of hormonal triggers in th brain, the changes to the brain. I had fun with it.

  • Susan Weed's "Wise Womyn ways: the Menopausal years" is very comprehensive on this with lots of measures that a wise womyn can take. I got me through. I made mine a special interest, the chemistry and physics of hormonal triggers in th brain, the changes to the brain. I had fun with it.

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