

I am not sure where to begin.

All my life I have had trouble understanding myself and fitting in around other people, I find it difficult to make and keep friends, I actually hate people and hate being around people most of the time, I like having my own space and find it difficult to understand others.

I take things the wrong way, I don't like change, I like having a routine and I can have really bad mood swings sometimes over the littleiest thing.

I have been reading up on autism and i have many of the traits that are associated with the condition, like i dont like food becuase of the smells and textures, I get brain fog and become extremely quiet around large groups of people, I prefer one to one company, I am oversensitive and overthink everything, suffered from depression and anxiety from childhood, i have social anxiety and extreme shyness, i definitely see things differently from other people, etc.  

I am not sure where to get help or what to do as I have a huge meltdown lately.

Can you give me some advice.


  • Hi, have you tried therapy? Have you tried tests such as RAADS and AQ50? You can fill these tests and take the results to your therapist to discuss them. As for diagnosis I know it’s long, quite complicated and expensive process but if the diagnosis would improve the quality of your life then I guess it’s worth to try. You can also take a look at the diagnostic criteria also take a look at some YouTube channels such as “autism from the inside” by Paul Micalleff. It will give you some insight and maybe helpful advice. For me his channel is helpful. Welcome to the community. 

  • Yes, I have done 2 tests and the results were very conclusive.  

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