I am not sure where to begin.
All my life I have had trouble understanding myself and fitting in around other people, I find it difficult to make and keep friends, I actually hate people and hate being around people most of the time, I like having my own space and find it difficult to understand others.
I take things the wrong way, I don't like change, I like having a routine and I can have really bad mood swings sometimes over the littleiest thing.
I have been reading up on autism and i have many of the traits that are associated with the condition, like i dont like food becuase of the smells and textures, I get brain fog and become extremely quiet around large groups of people, I prefer one to one company, I am oversensitive and overthink everything, suffered from depression and anxiety from childhood, i have social anxiety and extreme shyness, i definitely see things differently from other people, etc.
I am not sure where to get help or what to do as I have a huge meltdown lately.
Can you give me some advice.