Upcoming assessment

Hi all! I'm 24 and currently self-identify as autistic. I was diagnosed with ADHD last year and have been on the autism assessment waitlist for years, but have finally been invited to my assessment next month, in May.

I'm feeling really worried about my assessment as I've heard horror stories about autistic women being unable to access a diagnosis due to the outdated and male-focused criteria - my assessor is a man, and I have had many experiences of my health concerns not being taken seriously by male doctors in the past, so I'm feeling really apprehensive that I will be dismissed, even though I identify with all parts of the autistic experience (just often not in the very boy-specific way they phrase the questions)!

Does anyone have any advice on what to expect from the assessment and how to advocate for the female autistic experience if needed? For reference, I am going through Psychiatry UK for an online assessment, through the Right to Choose scheme referred by my GP.



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