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Looking for research participants: help us understand how menopause is different for autistic people, and why some autistic people struggle during menopause

Autistic people often go into menopause unprepared and not knowing what to expect. There is very little information about what menopause might be like for autistic people.  We do not know why some people struggle so much, and how to help. 


This online survey aims to compare how autistic and non-autistic people experience menopause, and to identify why some people have a hard time. We are looking for autistic and non-autistic research participants who are:

  1. 40 to 60 years old;
  2. either currently going through menopause, OR have already gone through menopause (post-menopausal)


Formally diagnosed and self-identifying autistic people are welcome. We would love to hear from anyone, regardless of whether you have struggled during menopause, or had a really easy time. We need to hear a whole range of experiences!


To take part, you can access the study via this link:


The study takes about 45-60 minutes. Unfortunately we cannot offer monetary compensation for your time, but we would be extremely grateful for your help in increasing knowledge about this very under-studied topic.