Interview/education assessment nerves & alexithymia (& imposter syndrome?)


I’ve had a quick search and majority of imposter syndrome posts are related directly to diagnosis so I’ve made my own post.
I get so nervous in interviews but I don’t always realise at the time because of alexithymia. I had one last week for an assessment to get Masters equivalence for work and had a call this afternoon to say I failed. Now I think I’m having feelings like imposter syndrome that I’m not actually as good at my job as I thought or as my colleagues tell me. I got so flustered I couldn’t answer one of the questions at all. I have two international board certifications but still feeling like an idiot the last few days. I now have to go through the interview again in the future, does anyone have any tips for managing or recognising nervousness with alexithymia? This time I didn’t realise until the interviewers arrived and it was too late to get  back in control of my brain

Parents Reply
  • Thanks for the suggestion, I actually had an Apple Watch on but didn’t think to look at the heart rate data until now. Doesn’t look too out of the ordinary though. Unfortunately Apple watches seem to be the only trackers which don’t have built in stress tracking but I’ll look into third party apps for it
