I am just unable to make friends. It is absolutely impossible

So I decided to write this in the forum for women as I am a woman, but for some reason I do not relate to the "female autism" at all. Because apparently it means I am "better at masking" but for me it is not true at all. I am 21 years old and I have never ever in my life had a friend. Whether it be in elementary, or high school, or now in college. In elementary I simply got avoided or ridiculed by the other kids, they found me annoying, they constantly accused me of not being nice even if I did not know the reason. In high school, I had a group of friends but they kicked me out and after them, my whole class followed. Now in college I make all the effort to talk to people, initiate things, go to parties and clubs. But still have absolutely zero friends despite starting college 6 months ago. They simply either ignore me, or run away, or we have fun together one day but the next day they treat me as a complete stranger again. There was one girl who I met at a party that kept telling me how nice and fun I was and stuff, we literally spent the whole evening together. But afterwards, she ghosted me while I suggested to hang out, already 2 times (2 month distance). With others it just feels like I do everything to get close but nobody cares. Absolutely nobody.

I really don't know what to do further. I know most autistic people also have social difficulties but all of the autistic people I talked to have at least 1 best friend, or had friends as a kid at least. It feels like I am missing out on so many fun aspects of life because of having no friends. I never had a sleepover, I will never travel with a friend group, I will never do other crazy stuff young people should. It is as if I specifically had some kind of built in curse that causes me to be excluded forever.

Please do not tell me to find hobbies or join clubs because I already tried all of these things and I only got acquaintances. I really don't know how I can go further and therapies also usually end with "you have to figure out yourself why you have no friends and what you are doing wrong". I just don't know!! From my perspective, I behave like any other person out there

  • Hi! I hear that your feeling increasingly frustrated ,tired and lonely right now . Maybe even a bit low?a have you considered reading or watching human behavior. Maybe your putting out the wrong signals or maybe missing them entirely rather than it being what your saying .

    When I went to college I found that I could only make and maintain friends at a party when we met at other parties btw so I don't feel that aspect is specific to you. I found it  takes a lot of party events before we actually met outside a party. Especially if they were on a different course.  And there is that odd person who doesn't function socially unless they're somewhat drunk so chances are she was that kind of person. 

  • I do watch their behavior and it is true that one day they are friendly to me and treat me as if we were friends for long, another day they act as if I was just a stranger to them. Even if it is classmates whom I meet everyday

  • I do watch their behavior and it is true that one day they are friendly to me and treat me as if we were friends for long, another day they act as if I was just a stranger to them. Even if it is classmates whom I meet everyday

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