Newly Diagnosed

I'm not really sure what to write if I'm honest...

So I had an assessment via Right to Choose on Tuesday and the psychiatrist gave me a diagnosis of 'ASD'. It explains so much of why I've always felt like an outcast (sometimes even amongst the other 'outcasts') but my overwhelming feeling is of anger - why it wasn't picked up when I was younger and why I had to struggle so much through High School and the horrendous bullying I've gone through in work places. I'm already in therapy for neurodivergent people or those suspected to be neurodivergent which has helped somewhat but I still can't shake the anger side of things.

Has anyone else experienced this?

  • Hi, I can relate to the feeling of anger and frustration and feeling let down. I had that too initially after my diagnosis, but it has largely passed now.... though I wish it had been picked up earlier... I also struggle to understand how so many professionals could have missed it... I even spent 8 weeks inpatient once (and i was utterly overwhelmed and getting worse and constantly telling them how 'I felt different' etc) and it wasn't picked up there either... 

    What helped me to address the anger was to let those professionals that had been involved in my care previously know that I have now been diagnosed with ASD. It occurred to me that the reason that it was missed is an issue with training and as the professionals barely ever get feedback if they miss that one of their patient has ASD. At least in my case, I saw different people over the years, so that doctor that claimed I 'was depressed' or 'had anxiety' or 'an eating disorder' , 'signs of OCD'  (some of which I do have others, not...) will probably never know that I was in fact autistic and that that contributed to some of the challenges I was facing. Tbh contacting the professionals probably did little in my case- I mostly got no response or not really much understanding but at least I tried (I either emailed or phoned or both- and I took a completely non accusatory approach- I just said that I had seen them in xxx and that I wanted to let them know that I had now been diagnosed with ASD. Then I sometimes said that I wish that had been picked up sooner and I just thought I would let them know in the hope that the next autistic person might be diagnosed sooner.). It did help deal with my anger/frustration though- I felt like I had done what I could for now to prevent similar from happening to others... 

    With time the anger went mostly. I'm not good at anger anyways though. I had a whole bunch of other emotions - confusion, disbelief, 'feeling broken', ' inner peace' , ' this makes so much sense' , sadness, frustration, anger etc.... I also felt quite frustrated when I realised that there is almost no support available for autistic adults.... 

    So you are definitely not the only person that is feeling angry/frustrated. I think with time the anger will pass- it's very understandable to feel angry- after all we were let down and are still being let down by the system. What also helps me is to also remind myself that they didn't do it on purpose, it's a lack of training and not out of ill intent. It's hard to excuse the bullies (I was bullied too) and especially that it is happening in the workplace... I'm really sorry- can you somehow raise it with someone that you are being bullied? They really shouldn't just get away with that. It is cruel and unfair and also discriminating! 

  • The bullying was in previous jobs and the person got away with it as well as discrimination against other colleagues with mental ill health, children etc... she has left the country now thank goodness.

    My current place is amazing and so so supportive even before I got my diagnosis. I told my manager the other day and she pretty much said we can keep it between us if you want or you can add it to my HR file and that it was entirely up to me. We support others with mental ill health so I suppose I'm lucky in that way that the company I work for looks after us so we can help others!

  • The bullying was in previous jobs and the person got away with it as well as discrimination against other colleagues with mental ill health, children etc... she has left the country now thank goodness.

    My current place is amazing and so so supportive even before I got my diagnosis. I told my manager the other day and she pretty much said we can keep it between us if you want or you can add it to my HR file and that it was entirely up to me. We support others with mental ill health so I suppose I'm lucky in that way that the company I work for looks after us so we can help others!
