Exhausted From Life

I'm exhausted. Life is hard, feel burnout and like everything's getting on top of me. There's so much going on all the time. My Dad is ill. My Mum is ill. My brother has just moved out, the change is a lot for me to deal with.

I love music. It's my hobby and passion. I listen to it, sing, play instruments and write music. But even that's not really helping me at the moment. Just tired all the time and yet at night I can't sleep until gone 3 and then I'm awake by 7. Don't know what's wrong with me - I can't switch off. During the day I'm doing very little, if I do too much I get dizzy. My eyes are constantly burning really sore like I've not slept for days.

I know I'll be OK. I know this isn't forever. But right now, it feels like it'll never end.