EUPD and Autistic women


So I’m a 34year old women who was first diagnosed with borderline personality disorder which now is generally called emotionally unstable personality disorder at 18 yrs old but I never felt I ‘fitted’ into that box so to speak but I did have some traits. I always felt it was my social communication that I struggled with, so I was referred to a speak therapist and then an autism referral and last week was diagnosed as having autism.  

To cut a long story short, i wanted to see if anyone else was diagnosed with EUPD before getting an autism diagnosis? And if much has changed with regards to your mental health support or medication?

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  • Hi 

    Thank you for replying, I was always not convinced I actually had EUPD as my behaviours have been present since a small child but my parents are in denial I have any problems ( as it will look bad on them) and actually used to threaten me as a child to behave or they would ‘take me to a doctor’ as I had frequent meltdowns (or temper tantrums) as my family believed.

    When I was diagnosed with autism last week the doctor T Powell said he has done lots of research regarding women with EUPD and autism and generally people are diagnosed far to quickly with EUPD and once you get that diagnosis it’s kinda sticks due to stigma , and he believes I don’t have EUPD but all my ‘behaviours’ have been put down to my mental health.

    Although when I saw my community mental health psychiatrist he was very vague asking when and who actually diagnosed me with EUPD and then stated that there’s not much ongoing support for people that are diagnosed and seems like he didn’t really know what to say. It makes me in a way angry as from 18 yr I have been heavily medicated with antipsychotic and sedatives to ‘ control my behaviours’ and feel I have lost the  last 15 yrs of my life as it is now seems I was misdiagnosed when if I was given the right support I could of have a change of a semi normal life