Hello again.

Hello, I hope this gets posted. 
I’m not quite sure of how I worded my post but I’ll screen shot this one when I’ve finished just in case. 
I’m so very anxious about my assessment which I think will be in the new year now and worried about what if they don’t believe me? 
I'm in my late sixties so this is indeed a VERY late assessment to be having, so I’m not terrible sure about having it.
It was suggested by a guy I saw for cbt last May. 
I think I’m looking at a greater clarity of my life and also the appropriate medication…..more than anything I “self medicate” to try and alleviate some of my stresses. 

My husband has cancer and although he knows I’ve been put forward for an assessment I don’t want to both or discuss things with him. I’m supposed to be an emotional support for him, not the other way round. 
I’ve no one to discuss my fears with so this is why I’m posting. 
My grateful thanks. 

  • Hi, just wanted to say hello. I’m so sorry your husband is unwell. I fully understand your anxiety with your assessment, I don’t even have a date yet but Istill get very anxious about it. For many, self diagnosis is fine and valid. I find that I must get formal validation, the imposter syndrome just keeps attacking me. I know I’m autistic and can see it in others of my family. I’m 55 and can understand your need to finally know once and for all that yes, you are autistic and not faulty or broken. I’m starting to process a lot of things that have happened in my life and starting to think,  no that wasn’t my fault.

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